Monday, July 21, 2008

Permission to live Strengths instead of fix weakness, testimony To discover what your strengths are and how to use them to make a difference in this world. Visit my website where you will learn how to find your life purpose.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Why so many of the same video?

Okay...if you look below you will notice that there are 3 of the same exact video with 3 different titles. If you're wondering why it's cause I've been using traffic geyser to try and get better Google Rankings. And what Traffic Geyser does is upload your videos to tons of different sites. And to get better google rankings you wanna do different titles to your videos so you are getting to different niches.

Sorry for any inconvenience but hope you enjoy the videos!

Monday, July 7, 2008

How to find your purpose in life Want to discover where you will make the greatest contribution with the least amount of effort? Home study course teaches you how to find your purpose in life

Find out who you are and do it on Purpose! Want to discover where you will make the greatest contribution with the least amount of effort? Home study course teaches you how to discover & fulfill your life purpose

How to Discover & Define Your Purpose in Life Want to discover where you will make the greatest contribution with the least amount of effort? Home study course teaches you how to discover & fulfill your life purpose